Chakra Force: Chiropractic Therapies

Copyright © 2004 by Joe Swenson

This information is provided for entertainment purposes only!
If you have an illness or medical condition see your medical doctor.

Chiropractic Hoffman Chart
Select Ailment
Resounding Health


Promote what is positive in life!
Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!
Everything is based on frequency!

Chiropractic Hoffman Chart
AreaOrgan InvolvedSymptoms
C1Blood supply to and tissues of headHeadache, Earache, Cold/Flu, Sore Throat
C3DiaphragmChronic Fatigue, Vertigo, Anxiety
C4ThyroidLow = (Weight Gain, Cold)
High = (Insomnia, Nervous)
C5Voice CordsHoarse, Sore Throat, Pancreas-crave sweets, PM Headache, Fatigue, Memory Loss, Emotional instability, palpitations
C6EsophagusStomach pain after eating, takes antacids
C7Liver, Gall BladderHeadache, Lassitude, Sneezing, Nightmares, Burning Feet
T1HeartCoronary Artery Disease
T2Heart/LungAsthma, Bronchitis, Fatigue, Fluid Retention
T3Treachea, BronchiAsthma, Shortness of breath, Chronic Cough
T4Gall BladderNausea, Headache, Bloating greater than meals, Fatty food intolerance
T5Stomach/IntestinesGastric Ulcer
T6Pancreas & C5Crave Sweets, PM Headache, Fatigue, Memory Loss, Emotional instability, Palpitations
T7SpleenImmunity Deficiencies, Lowered Resistance
T8LiverHeadache, Lassitude, Sneezing, Nightmares, Burning Feet
T9Adrenal GlandsOverwhelmed by stress
T10Small IntestinesDigestive Complaints (1-2 hours after eating)
T11KidneysSwollen ankles, Puffy Eyelids, Decreased Urine
T12BladderBladder Infection, Swollen ankles, Puffy Eyelids
L1Ileocecal ValveBad Breath, Flatulence, Headache when sleeping too long, dark circles under eyes, toxicity
L2Cecum (small intestines)Digestive Complaints (1-2 hours after eating)
L3Endocrine Glands(thyroid, pancreas, adrenal) see primary sites
L4Colon, Lower back musclesLow back pain, Bowel problems, coated tongue, headaches
L5Reproductive organsDysmenhorrea, Prostatitis
S1Bladder, Urethra, Reproductive systems disordersHip pain, Leg pain

Sorted Ailments and Organs

Adrenal Glands T9, L3
Anxiety C3
Asthma T2, T3
Bad Breath L1
Bladder Infection T12
Bladder S1, T12
Bloating greater than meals T4
Blood supply to and tissues of head C1
Bowel problems L4
Bronchi T3
Bronchitis T2
Burning Feet C7, T8
Cecum L2
Chronic Cough T3
Chronic Fatigue C3
Coated tongue L4
Cold C1, C4
Colon L4
Coronary Artery Disease T1
Crave sweets C5, T6
Dark circles under eyes L1
Decreased Urine T11
Diaphragm C3
Digestive Complaints (1-2 hours after eating) L2, T10
Dysmenhorrea L5
Earache C1
Emotional instability C5, T6
Endocrine Glands L3
Esophagus C6
Fatigue C5, T2, T6
Fatty food intolerance T4
Flatulence L1
Flu C1
Fluid Retention T2
Gall Bladder C7, T4
Gastric Ulcer T5
Headache when sleeping too long L1
Headache C1, C7, T4, T8, L4
Heart T1, T2
Hip pain S1
Hoarse C5
Ileocecal Valve L1
Immunity Deficiencies T7
Insomnia C4
Intestines T5
Kidneys T11
Lassitude C7, T8
Leg pain S1
Liver C7, T8
Low back pain L4
Lower back muscles L4
Lowered Resistance T7
Lung T2
Memory Loss C5, T6
Nausea T4
Nervous C4
Nightmares C7, T8
Overwhelmed by stress T9
Palpitations C5, T6
Pancreas C5, L3, T6
PM Headache C5, T6
Prostatitis L5
Puffy Eyelids T11, T12
Reproductive organs L5
Reproductive systems disorders S1
Shortness of breath T3
Sinus C2
Sinusitis C2
Small intestines L2, T10
Sneezing C7, T8
Sore Throat C1, C5
Spleen T7
Stomach pain after eating C6
Stomach T5
Swollen ankles T11, T12
Takes antacids C6
Thyroid C4, L3
Toxicity L1
Treachea T3
Urethra S1
Vertigo C3
Voice Cords C5
Weight Gain C4