Chakra Force Self Hypnosis Course

Copyright © 1990 by Joe Swenson & Steven Eldred, MA

Nature of the Mind
Rules of the Mind
Rules for structuring successful Auto-Suggestion
How to reach and arouse your subconscious mind
Additional Self-Hypnosis Suggestions
Self-Hypnosis verses Guided-Hypnosis
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Reprogramming your mind can be an interesting challenge or a piece of cake. To change a habit it takes 21 concecutive days of work morning and night. This is a proven fact. You will find additional information in the document that follows.

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Nature of the Mind

Nothing that the human brain has invented can compare to the brain itself. This one organ accounts for the activities of the voluntary and involuntary systems of the body, as well as consciousness, thought, perception, creativity, and imagination.

Each person has a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. They interact with each other like they were on opposite ends of a teeter-totter. When one is up, the other is down. When one is passive, the other is active.

The conscious mind is a flashlight of attention. Consciously our views change as we mature and gain experience. What might have seemed very frightening as a child might be viewed as very amusing as an adult.

The conscious mind makes value judgments, interpretations and views things subjectively as well as literally. The conscious mind acts as a screen and filter for your subconscious mind and is capable of both deductive and inductive reasoning.

The subconscious mind seems to continue to view any experience with the viewpoint held at the time of its occurrence. If something of importance occurred at age 5, your subconscious mind keeps regarding this as a 5 year old.

Your subconscious mind accepts things literally, as a child would, without putting complex moral or social connotations on what is being communicated to it. The subconscious mind is capable of deductive reasoning only.

When your conscious mind is active your subconscious mind is passive. Other than taking care of your automatic body processes, breathing and walking for example, your subconscious mind remains in the background when your conscious mind is in the foreground. In order for your subconscious mind to become active you must either be asleep, in immediate danger, or under hypnosis.

When you are awake, the conscious mind controls most of your actions. Those organs and parts of the body which you can control by the exercise of will are controlled consciously. When you are asleep, you are largely unconscious, and the conscious mind is subdued or inactive.

Any movements or actions you perform during sleep are caused by the subconscious mind. Dreams are stirred up by subconscious activity. During natural sleep, however, the conscious as well as the subconscious mind are inaccessible from the outside. Both minds are partially asleep and inactive.

When you accidentally put your hand on the hot burner of a stove, there is an immediate reflex action to pull your hand away from the source of the pain. If some one near you threw a baseball suddenly and unexpectedly at your head, there would be an immediate reflex action to duck or jerk your head away from the incoming baseball. During these split seconds of action, your mental Teeter-Totter went all the way up and down.

Your subconscious mind during immediate danger takes over control of your body and pushes your conscious mind down into the passive role of an observer. Once a reflex action is completed, your conscious mind once again becomes active, once again is on the top of the teeter-totter.

The third and most misunderstood way for your subconscious mind to be activated is through meditation or hypnosis. Many of the meditation forms today get their techniques from ancient eastern religions. The main goal of eastern meditation is spiritual detachment from your environment.

The main difference between Yoga or meditation and Self-Hypnosis is that whereas meditation helps us to detach from problems, hypnosis focuses into problems, examines their causes, finds solutions, and then eliminates those problems. Self-Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness induced by allowing yourself to focus your concentration on one or two things while experiencing deep relaxation of the mind and body.

During this period of focused concentration and increased relaxation, the subconscious mind is freed to be the most receptive part of the mind. The conscious part of the mind is rendered as inactive as possible and functions as a passive or even disinterested observer for the suggestions given during self hypnosis.

Hypnosis feels somewhat like suspended animation. While the body rests, the mind is aware and responsive to ideas and suggestions. When you settle down to go to sleep, that period of time between being wide awake and deep asleep will include many levels of self hypnosis.

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Rules of the Mind
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Rule Number One


Your thoughts can affect all the functions of your body. WORRY thoughts trigger changes in the stomach that in time can lead to ulcers. ANGER thoughts stimulate your adrenal glands and the increased adrenaline in the blood stream causes many body changes. ANXIETY and FEAR thoughts affect your pulse rate.

Ideas that have a strong emotional content almost always reach the subconscious mind, because it is the feeling mind. Once accepted, these ideas continue to produce the same bodily reaction over and over again. In order to eliminate or change chronic negative body reactions we must reach the subconscious mind and change the idea responsible for the reaction. This is easily done with Self-Hypnosis and Auto-Suggestion.

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Rule Number Two


The brain and the nervous system respond only to mental images. It does not matter if the image is self-induced or from the external world. The mental image formed becomes the blueprint, and the subconscious mind uses every means at its disposal to carry out the plan. Worrying is a form of programming a picture of what we don't want. But the subconscious mind acts to fulfill the pictured situation. "THE THINGS THAT I HAVE FEARED HAVE COME UPON ME."

Many persons suffer from chronic anxiety, which is simply a subconscious mental expectancy that something terrible will happen to them. On the other hand, we all know people who seem to have the "Magic" touch. Life seems to shower them with blessings for no apparent reason, and so we call them "Lucky". What seems to be luck is in reality, POSITIVE MENTAL EXPECTANCY, a strong belief that they deserve to be successful. "WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT".

Our physical health is largely dependent upon our mental expectancy. Physicians recognize that if a patient expects to remain sick, lame, paralyzed, and helpless, even to die, the expected condition tends to be realized. Here is where Self-Hypnosis can become the tool to remove despondency and negative attitudes and bring about hopeful positive expectancy -- the expectancy of health, strength and well-being, which then tends to be realized.

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Rule Number Three


This is an important rule to remember when using Self-Hypnosis. REASON IS EASILY OVERRULED BY IMAGINATION. This is why some people blindly rush into some unreasonable act or situation. Violent crimes based upon jealousy are almost always caused by an over-active imagination. Most of us feel superior to those who lose their savings to confidence men, or blindly follow a demagogue such as Hitler or are sold worthless stocks. We can easily see that such people have allowed their imagination to overcome their reason. But we are often blind to our own superstitions, prejudices, and unreasonable beliefs. Any idea accompanied by a strong emotion such as anger, hatred, love, or political and religious beliefs usually cannot be modified through the use of reason. In using Self-Hypnosis we can form images in the subconscious mind which is the feeling mind, and can remove, alter of amend the old ideas.

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Rule Number Four


This does not mean more than one idea cannot be remembered or harbored in your memory, but it refers to the conscious mind recognizing an idea. Many people will try to hold opposing ideas simultaneously. A man might believe in honesty and expect his children to be honest, and all the while be engaging daily in slightly dishonest business practices. He may try to justify by saying: "All of my competitors do it, it's an accepted practice." However, he cannot escape the conflict and its effect upon his nervous system that is caused by trying to hold opposing ideas.

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Rule Number Five

The companion rule to this is,

Once an idea has been accepted, it tends to remain. The longer it is held, the more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking. This is how habits of action are formed, both good and bad. First there is the thought and then the action. We have habits of thinking as well as habits of action, but the thought or idea always comes first. Hence it is obvious if we wish to change our actions we must begin by changing our thoughts. We accept as true certain facts. For example, we accept as true that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and we accept this even though the day may be cloudy and we cannot see the sun. This is an instance of a correct fact conception which governs our actions under normal conditions. However, we have many thought habits which are not correct and yet, are fixed in the mind. Some people believe that at critical times they must have a drink of whisky as a tranquilizer to steady their nerves so that they can perform effectively. This is not correct but the idea is there, and is a fixed habit of thought. There will be opposition to replacing it with the correct idea.

Now in advancing these rules, we are speaking of fixed ideas, not just idle thoughts or passing fancies. We need to alter fixed ideas or to use them. No matter how long they have remained they can be changed with Self-Hypnosis and Auto Suggestion.

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Rule Number Six


It has been acknowledged by many reputable medical men that more than seventy percent of human ailments are functional rather than organic. This means that the function of an organ or other part of the body has been disturbed by the reaction of the nervous system to negative ideas held in the subconscious mind. We do not mean to imply that every person who complains of an ailment is emotionally ill or neurotic. There are diseases caused by germs, parasites, viruses, and other things attacking the human body. However, we are a mind in a body and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, if you continue to fear ill health, constantly talk about your "nervous stomach" or "tension headaches", in time organic changes must occur.

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Rule Number Seven


A mental trend is easier to follow the longer it lasts unbroken. Once a habit is formed it becomes easier to follow and more difficult to break.

In other words once a self suggestion has been accepted by your subconscious mind it becomes easier for additional suggestions to be accepted and acted upon. That is why when you are just beginning with Self-Hypnosis and Auto Suggestion we suggest you start with simple suggestions. You can suggest that you feel a tingling sensation or a warm and pleasant feeling. When these have been followed you can move on to more complicated suggestions. You should begin now with the suggestion that you will automatically awaken from Self-Hypnosis in ten minutes.

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Rule Number Eight


This proves why "will-power" doesn't really exist! If you have insomnia you've learned "the harder you try to go to sleep, the more wide awake you become." The rule is "When dealing with the subconscious mind, TAKE IT EASY." This means you must work to develop a positive mental expectancy that your problem can be, and will be solved. As your faith in your subconscious mind increases, you learn to "let it happen" rather than trying to "force it to happen."

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Rules for structuring successful Auto-Suggestion

These are the rules you must follow if you are to get the quickest and most positive response from your subconscious mind.


Always form the idea as if it were already an accomplished fact. "I AM CALM AND RELAXED". The only exception to this rule is when you are dealing with a physical condition such as a broken leg. The progressive form of the present tense is used to by-pass the critical factor of your conscious mind. "Each day my leg grows stronger and healthier." If you were to say: " my leg is strong and healthy" your conscious mind will create resistance, "Then why am I wearing a cast?" Even specific suggestions for future behavior must be given in the present tense. For example: "Next thursday when I stand to speak at the company dinner, I AM calm and poised and relaxed."

Never refer to past conditions in your affirmations. For example: "I am more tolerant and understanding of my family than I used to be." This brings a dual image to the surface, the image of how you have been and how you wish to be. Naturally the image of how you have been is stronger than the image of how you wish to be.

An affirmation phrased in the future becomes just another "New Year's Resolution" easy to forget and not to be taken seriously. The future tense is indeterminate. "Someday" can not create a mental picture of you having already solved your problem. "Soon" does not convey the picture of your achieved goal.
RIGHT: I AM......IT IS.........I FEEL............
WRONG: I will be....I am going to.....


Eliminate every possible negative word. DO NOT mention what you are trying to move away from, rather create a word picture of what you wish to move toward. If you suggest, "I am not self-conscious with people" you release the energy connected with feeling self-conscious, and the memory of past experiences in which you suffered from your self-conscious feelings. Instead suggest, "I like people. I enjoy the company of people. When I am with new people I AM CALM AND POISED AND RELAXED." Always use the positive antonym to create a picture of yourself acting, feeling, behaving in the way you wish to.
WRONG: I do not toss and turn for hours before going to sleep.

WRONG: I am not afraid. I am not nervous. I am not self-conscious.

WRONG: I am not tired all the time.


Choose one specific area for self improvement and CONFINE your suggestion to that one area of improvement. DO NOT give yourself suggestions for two or three problems all at the same time. You can work on more than one problem by alternating your suggestions, but don't hypnotize yourself to get rid of a tension headache and then suggest that you are filled with self confidence, sleep perfectly every night, wear a size 12 dress, express love to your children, and have given up cigarettes. You should choose one area in which you wish to change and work on that until you feel some change. Then move to your next goal. You may get results with your first suggestion, many people do, but be prepared to use the same suggestion once a day for two weeks before moving on to your next goal. Of course, if during that period you have a sleepless night, hypnotize yourself and suggest that you will pass from hypnosis into natural sleep, but confine that Self-Hypnotsis session to your goal of restful sleep.


Analyze your goal and structure your suggestions to cover every detail of your changed behavior or attitude.
RIGHT: "I LIKE PEOPLE. I ENJOY BEING WITH PEOPLE. People are aware that I like them and they return the feeling. I especially enjoy talking to people. When I stand before an audience, I am filled with friendly feelings for them. I want to do things for them. I feel a wave of friendship and understanding flowing from every member of the audience to me. As I begin speaking, my lips are flexible, my mouth is moist, I breath deeply from the diaphragm. My legs are strong beneath me. My hands are poised and calm. The gestures flow spontaneously and freely. I have the undivided attention of the audience and it makes me feel secure and confident. There is a smile in my heart which comes to my lips at the proper times. I speak easily, freely and confidently. I speak with a full release of my knowledge, skill and ability. When my talk is concluded, I am warm and gratified by the applause."

WRONG: Every day in every way I am growing better and better.


Speak to your subconscious as if it were a bright nine year old child. Avoid "literary expression." This is not a thesis you are writing for a professor to score. Avoid long technical words and phrases of psychological and metaphysical terms. Simple words have the greatest energy. Ernest Hemingway became famous for the simplicity of his writing and yet it had tremendous power.


Be sure to get excitement and feeling into your suggestions. Your subconscious is your feeling mind. Use words such as: VIBRANT, SPARKLING, THRILLING, WONDERFUL, POWERFUL, RADIANT, LOVING, GENEROUS, ABUNDANT, EXCITING, DELIGHTFUL, BEAUTIFUL, JOYOUS.


Let your suggestion describe your action, not ability.
WRONG: I have the ability to understand others.


If the desired result is one which can be measured, such as weight, your golf score, your bowling score, suggest the EXACT improvement you wish to achieve. Don't try to fool your subconscious by suggesting that you will continue to lose weight until you reach 115 pounds when your ideal weight is 125 pounds. You think that then if you only have partial success you'll still reach your goal. Your subconscious is not fooled. Tell your subconscious exactly what you want.


There are circumstances where it is wrong to try to suggest perfection. "I always organize my time perfectly" is an impossible goal for a mother of three lively children. It would be difficult to visualize and could only lead to frustration. "I am always enthusiastic" is a poor suggestion. Do you want to be enthusiastic at a funeral?


Structure your suggestions to change yourself, your attitudes, your actions. Don't suggest a change in others. As you change, others associated with you change.
WRONG: My children always respect and obey me.


After you have written your suggestion following these rules, find a word or short phrase which symbolizes the feeling and content. Finding the correct symbol is extremely important. In the next lesson, which deals with the technique of USING Auto-Suggestion you will learn that the symbol is vitally important. If your suggestion is for overcoming feelings of inferiority your symbol might be "DYNAMIC SELF-CONFIDENCE" or "POISE".

If you are overcoming insomnia your symbol might be "EASY SLUMBER" or "SLEEP LIKE A BABY" or "SUMMER CABIN" or MOUNTAIN AIR".

If you want to lose weight you might use "SIZE 10" or "SLENDER and SEXY" or "SWEET SIXTEEN".

Try to avoid a symbol which calls to mind a strong negative feeling or a vivid negative picture. The symbol doesn't have to mean a thing to anyone else, it is for you and what provokes a strong surge of feeling and energy or creates a picture TO YOU is the symbol you should use.

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How to reach and arouse your Subconscious Mind

1. WRITE OUT YOUR SUGGESTION FOLLOWING THE RULES. These rules have been given to you in the lesson "How to structure successful Auto Suggestion".

2. SYMBOLIZE YOUR SUGGESTION. See lesson "How to structure successful Auto Suggestion".

3. READ YOUR SUGGESTION ALOUD BEFORE YOU HYPNOTIZE YOURSELF. It is very important to read your suggestion aloud. You then are using more of your nervous system to record the suggestion in your subconscious mind. Another very good technique is to type out your suggestion just before you hypnotize yourself. If you are in a place where it is impossible to read your suggestion aloud, or to type it, read it very slowly and carefully.

4. HYPNOTIZE YOURSELF. Use the Progressive Relaxation method. Choose a distraction free, calm setting. While lying or sitting in a comfortable position, close your eyes, silently count backwards from 10 to 1, and relax each part of your body you're consciously aware of. Then visualize being in a peaceful, relaxing place and allow these thoughts to deepen your relaxation.

5. AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THE ONSET OF DEEP RELAXATION, THINK THE SYMBOL. You have already loaded the gun by reading your suggestion aloud, thinking the symbol is pulling the trigger.

6. DO NOT TRY TO REMEMBER THE WORDING OF YOUR SUGGESTION. After you have thought the symbol, just let your mind drift. Certain phrases from your suggestion will drift into your mind, as the do, create a feeling response to the words. Let pictures of yourself acting in the way you want to act, feeling the way you want to feel, looking the way you want to look, come into your imagination.

To make a dramatic change in your life or to overcome a deep seated fear, it is necessary to structure a detailed suggestion, symbolize it and use this technique to make it work. Many problems are overcome by learning to completely relax or by using simple suggestions such as the "I AM" technique. If these techniques have not brought about the desired result then you must write out a specific and detailed suggestion and use this technique to reach your subconscious mind.

The reason for pre-suggestion, symbolization and trigger release, is that as you go into hypnosis, your conscious, analytical mind slows down. If you try to remember long suggestions or try to create detailed suggestions, you lighten your hypnodic state. By just using the symbol, you release the concept with an absolute minimum of conscious mental activity.

If your progress is not speedy enough, after about three weeks, re-write your suggestion getting more action and feeling words into it. Another thing to check on is whether you are reading the suggestion with feeling, and if you are getting good mental pictures of your successful solution to your problem.

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Additional Self-Hypnosis Suggestions
Relaxation Exercise
Stairway Exercise
Escalator Exercise
Cloud Exercise
Closing Suggestions
Exiting Self Hypnosis
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Tension - Relaxation Exercise

Use this exercise at the beginning of your Self-Hypnosis session to achieve deep physical relaxation. With your eyes closed, first tense, then relax the muscles in specific areas of your body. Tense these muscle groups only for a few seconds, never to the extent that you feel any pain. Notice the differences in you body between the sensations of tension and relaxation. Notice how much better your body feels to be relaxed than to be tense.

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Stairway Exercise

To deepen the level of your Self-Hypnosis, imagine you are at the top of a stairway looking down at 10 steps below you. Imagine there is a railing along side a wall to your left or right side. Visualize your hand moving to rest gently on the railing. Tell yourself that in a moment you will begin slowly walking down the stairway and with each step you take, your body will become heavier and heavier. After each step you will rest a few seconds and tell yourself you are going deeper into hypnosis.

When you reach the bottom of the stairway, take your hand off the railing and continue your session. Once you start this exercise, be sure that you complete it before going on to the next stage of your session.

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Escalator Exercise

Imagine you are at the top of an escalator. Tell yourself that in a moment you will step onto the escalator and the closer you get to the next level, the deeper you'll go into hypnosis.

Visualize your hands reaching for the railings and imagine yourself stepping onto the escalator. Count from 10 to 1 and with each number tell yourself you are getting heavier and heavier, sleepier and sleepier. When you reach the number one, you'll be at the bottom of the escalator and will safely step off of it.

If you wish, you can repeat this exercise a time or two more. Once you imagine you are on the escalator, however, always imagine you're getting off it.

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Cloud Exercise

Imagine you are floating on a cloud drifting over the earth. Count from 10 to 1, with each number taking you deeper into hypnosis. Give yourself suggestions that you are safe and secure on that cloud just like it was a soft mattress. At the end of the exercise have yourself either floating safely to earth or have the cloud land and step safely off of the cloud.

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Self Hypnosis Closing Suggestions

Toward the end of your session, it is important to give suggestions that allow you to leave hypnosis as easily and naturally as you entered hypnosis. Your mental teeter-totter needs to switch positions so that your subconscious mind becomes passive and your conscious mind becomes active. Before you do this, however, there are two sets of suggestions you may choose to give yourself.

1. Repeat of Primary Suggestions

Briefly go over in your mind the main suggestions given earlier in your session. Restate highlights of those suggestions or restate your symbolic phrases ("Water Tap", "Slim and Healthy",etc.).

2. Post Hypnotic Suggestions for Future Sessions.

"The next time I enter Self Hypnosis, I will go into a deeper state of relaxation".

"In my next session, when I close my eyes and count from 10 to 1, I will immediately relax very deeply".

"In my next session, when I walk down the stairway, I will go deeper into hypnosis".

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Exiting Self Hypnosis

Exiting self hypnosis into a more consciously alert state of mind should be a simple yet gradual transition. Suggestions to effectively facilitate the transition shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.

"In a moment, I'll start counting from 1 to 10. When I say the number 10, I will open my eyes feeling alert and refreshed. With each number now, energy will flow back into my body and I'll feel lighter and more alert. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10".

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Self-Hypnosis verses Guided Hypnosis

Once the rules that govern conscious and subconscious activities are known, and the nature of the human mind is no longer such a mystery, Self-Hypnosis becomes an easy, safe, and effective form of self help therapy. There are limits however to what self help therapy in general, and Self-Hypnosis in particular can do and should do.

Those who have mental health problems, especially serious ones, need to seek appropriate professional help. Trying to heal your own mental health problems can prove frustrating, ineffective, and possibly dangerous for yourself and others. As effective a tool as Self-Hypnosis can be to decondition unwanted behavior and reprogram a new self image, there is a limit to what you can do on your own.

Having a trained professional to guide you into hypnosis and help you maintain deep levels of relaxation, concentration and suggestibility does have some advantages over Self-Hypnosis. You can go into much deeper levels of hypnosis than is possible on you own. Suggestions given to you during deep levels of hypnosis have a much more profound effect on your mind and body. Suggestions during deep hypnosis tend to be more direct, more powerful, and more effective than those given during light hypnosis.

Ordinarily the deeper you go into hypnosis, the better your chances are of freeing yourself from such bad habits as smoking, fingernail biting and enuresis. When amnesia is essential (after review or re-enactment of traumatic past experiences), or for elaborate post hypnotic suggestions, a deep or somnambulistic trance may be needed. Deep hypnosis may also be needed for age regression to track down an incident that has been repressed and sealed off from memory.

There are reasons, however, why a person will not give up his neurotic illness or his crippling bad habits no matter how deep his trance is during hypnosis. For many people, the only person they trust and are truly comfortable with is themselves. When another person guides you into hypnosis, there is a greater chance of your resisting that person and the suggestions he gives you.

Some people have a need to defy "commands" and will actively fight against someone telling them what to do. They may have serious reservations about revealing intimate secret s during their hypnosis session. They may also have a fear of failure and feel pressured to perform during hypnosis. Some even express terror at yielding their will and independence of thought to someone else while they are hypnotized. This terror is often accompanied by an intense desire to maintain constant control over their mind and body.

Some hypnosis practitioners believe that a light trance in which resistances and defense mechanisms continue to operate is more effective in the long run, since one can deal directly with these mechanisms that support repression.

Because a person feels protected by his defenses in a light trance, he may allow himself to follow suggestions that stir up more anxiety than he would tolerate in a deeper trance.

When the therapeutic goal is to:
1. Promote relaxation,
2. Achieve relief from tension,
3. Control symptoms,
4. Intensify motivation,
5. Give reassurance,
6. Direct your understanding toward change;
A light or medium trance will serve best.

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "WATER TAP".

I am a very creative person. My mind is clear and serene, a healthy, orderly, fertile garden where ideas take root and develop. Ideas come easily to me, effortlessly. They are always there when I want them. I turn myself on, and out they flow, calmly, serenely, obediently. These ideas charm and please me; they are the ideas I want. They are ideas that bring a smile to my lips, a sense of well being in my mind, that give my body energy and animation.

When I sit done to write, I see the heart of the message in an instant. All I have to do is put it down on paper. Vivid, exciting words crystallize in my mind that expresses my feelings with imagination, emotion and enthusiasm. The way I express myself is original, unique and true. My headlines are convincing and believable. My headlines are refreshing, joyful, an emotional experience. They overflow with good humor, feeling, enthusiasm and expression. They express the message the way it should be expressed -- naturally, thought provoking. They give the right feeling to an ad, the right mood, making it inviting and appealing to read. My headlines have pull. They stimulate the emotions and activate the feelings.

My mind is like a green, fertile valley, an orderly arrangement of attractive and exciting ideas. My ideas are, red, orange and pink. They are polka dot, striped, flowery, and full of wild, imaginative designs. My ideas are folksy, hip, exotic, down to earth and outrageous. They are funny, bizarre, ironic, witty and warm. Literally thousands of bright bold modern headlines are prisoners in my mind, waiting to be released when I want them.

My writing is alive, uninhibited and full of feeling. It is flesh and blood. My headlines are bold, different, daring, uniquely on target. I see life naturally and simply like a child, and I express myself naturally, gracefully and clearly.

I am full of love for all things. I am a very lovable person. I give love freely and accept it freely. I love to express myself through writing. I know I write well. I am enthusiastic, full of energy and concentration. It's so easy for me to write outstanding headlines. It's natural because I am talented, creative and fertile. I write well and I know it. I have faith in myself and in my writing. I am at my peak. I write better now and have more and better ideas than ever before. I love my job because I do it so well. I belong at the top because I have the talent and the drive to be there. I am second to none when it comes to inventive, imaginative advertising. I AM A DAMNED GOOD ADVERTISING MAN!

All of these Ideas are symbolized by the phrase "WATER TAP".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "RANDOM ACCESS".

My subconscious is a perfect memory core. It retains everything that I wish it to retain. It is the sum total of all I have studied, experienced, felt -- and it continues to be so.

I have complete confidence that I can retrieve INSTANTLY any information stored in my subconscious mind. It happily, readily and eagerly supplies the information. If I want historical information, I need but silently visualize or state the country or epoch and the data is mine. The same is true for mathematics, geography, literature, management subjects -- in fact, any subject that I have studied.

I revel in the power, meaning and significance of this random access to my subconscious memory. I DELIGHT in it! I take care that what enters my subconscious is as noble, beautiful and good as I can possibly make it; useful facts, inspiring literature, the wisdom of great minds.

Every time I use my talent of random access, the response is instantaneous! I exude a quiet optimism in my affairs, for I know positively that I have all the requisite information necessary to solve any problem. I continually grow in my capacity to absorb and use good information; I quickly filter out and reject the rest. My speech reflects positive storage in my subconscious mind. And this storage is unlimited. People consider me a mental giant because of my retention, recall, scope of interest, and vast ocean of knowledge. I use this information wisely and for good. I GLOW with joy over the splendid teamwork of my subconscious and conscious mind. And SUCCESS IS MINE! So be it!

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "RANDOM ACCESS".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "JOYFUL MIND".

I love to study.

When I study something -- whether it be a well-worn text book or a daily newspaper; a treasured picture of a girl friend back home or the twinkling eyes of a young co-ed; a green long stemmed plant or a small, smooth stone -- I am cheerfully energetic, yet relaxed and poised, taking in all that I focus upon.

I find pleasure and beauty in my growing world. Studying is a clue for my entire body to joyfully relax and my mind to perk up. It is easy for me to study for long periods of time, because I passionately love to learn about my growing world.

Printed words cause me to integrate my experiences with those ideas presented. Indeed, all my activities are easily adapted in my mind, making me more aware of my environment. I understand ideas the first time I encounter them -- and this natural understanding keeps me far ahead of what is expected of me and my general age group.

Because I am always aware of the goal of my studying, I have continual success at my every learning experience. Studying is for me the means to see, to hear, to talk, to think, to feel, and to participate with the object before me.

I love to study; it is successfully rewarding, and the objects are pleasurable and beautiful for me. When I have decided to end my study period, my every muscle is relaxed, my thoughts are clear; and I am prepared to go on to desired sleep, or to whatever is to be done.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "JOYFUL MIND".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "OLYMPIC GAMES".

I love to exercise. I enjoy exercise. It is exhilarating, and I look forward to exercising each day. I do my exercises each day, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I exercise. I experience a boundless sense of joy when I exercise -- and it comes easy to me. My muscles become stronger each day. I feel energy surging through my body as I exercise. All my muscles work together; and with each daily exercise, I am confident in the strength I receive.

Each day I am able to perform more exercises. I use every muscle, and each fibre becomes stronger. Each day exercising is easier, and I can do more. I exercise each opportunity I have and feel vibrant strength as I do. I exercise my legs, arms, shoulders, stomach and back. I use every muscle -- and each time I enjoy it more. Running, lifting, walking becomes easier and more enjoyable each day. I am healthier each day.

Exercising gives me unlimited exhalation as each exercise becomes easier the more confident I am. I move easily, and all my muscles work toward the goals of physical strength and coordination. Each muscle responds to my command. Each day more vitality surges through my body. I easily think of new ways to exercise. I easily do sit-ups, leg-raises, bends and stretches.

I delight in using my muscles. I feel alert and relaxed, and exercising gives me great pleasure.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "OLYMPIC GAMES".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "EXPRESS YOURSELF".

In my capacity as supervisor I give clear, thorough instructions to others regarding the jobs that are to be done. My instructions are completely and perfectly understood because they are clearly and pleasantly defined, and create a feeling of good will and a desire to do an excellent job. Since I always set a good example and am fair and thoughtful in my dealings with others, I receive a great deal of respect and warmth from them. I return their warmth, and they feel as I do that I am an extremely lovable person.

I communicate with ease effectively and energetically at all times; with family, friends, my supervisors and business associates. My mind -- always aware of what is going on around me -- quickly and cleverly supplies a solution or reply to all problems, questions, situations; and I deliver the information in a logically interesting and, where appropriate, witty manner. People seek my opinion on subjects of all natures; and when I have given my enlightening reply, they are pleased and happy they asked me. I have a great talent for expressing my thoughts and ideas vividly with an enthusiasm that favorably impresses everyone with whom I come in contact.

I have a pleasing, sparkling and charming personality; and my voice is pleasant to listen to. People are eager to hear what I have to say -- not only because of my delightfully poised speaking manner -- but also because what I say makes sense to them, is logical, and leaves a favorable feeling with the person listening.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "EXPRESS YOURSELF".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "DEEP FLOWING SPRING".

I love to sing. When I sing, I feel a pulsating flow of emotion like the waters of a gushing spring flowing forth from deep within the earth. Each song is a complete exciting drama to be acted out with profound interpretation. When the words denote gaiety, I feel the happy laughter bubbling to the surface, expressed in my smiling lips and laughing eyes. When the words are tearful and full of heartbreak, my voice wails with pent up tears and moans of sadness. Every phrase, every word is full of meaning. My entire heritage comes forth to help transmit the vibrant and thrilling drama to my rapt audience held spellbound by my exciting performance -- the powerful, stirring soul of my black blood, the ritualism and nobility of my Indian ancestry, the perpetual tragedy of the Jew, and the control and classical benefits from my white strains. I am a melting pot of many cultures, and the best of all worlds comes forth to find expression in my beautiful voice.

When I sing my breathing is deep and steady from the diaphragm; my tones are rich chest tones placed just behind my lower teeth. My lower jaw is loose, my throat relaxed, my mouth is moist, my hands are dry, my legs are steady. The words to my songs are forever etched upon my brain and come readily to my lips.

My audience listens intently to my every word because each one knows that I am singing for him or her alone. They feel my generous love flowing out to them, and I feel a vast abundant wave of love flowing back to me from them. I am singing my song to my audience because I know that they care about the story I am telling them. They care when I am happy and they are happy for me. When I want to cry, they want to cry, too. When my heart breaks, their hearts break with mine. When I am exultant, they exalt with me. We are in love with each other. I am a loveable person, and I am in love with all mankind.

Success comes to me because I am deserving of success. Prosperity and riches come to me in abundance. The treasures of the universe were created for me, and I accept them with joy and gratitude.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "DEEP FLOWING SPRING".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "SLIM AND HEALTHY".

I can and I will lose the weight I want to lose.

The only purpose for eating is to provide energy and nourishment for my body.

Each day I will eat regular meals and will provide my body with the energy and nourishment my body needs.

Before each meal I will drink a glass of cool, refreshing water. This water will cleanse my body and awaken my taste buds.

Healthy foods are my friends. They will help me lose the weight I want to lose. As I think of these healthy foods now, they seem so crisp and appetizing and good for me. As I see their sizes, and shapes, and colors - my desire to eat only these healthy foods grows stronger and stronger.

When I feel myself becoming full, I will be content to stop eating. I will have no desire to snack in between meals, because those meals will completely satisfy my hunger.

While I am losing the weight I want to lose, I will be happy and feel good about myself. When I lose the weight I want to lose, I will stay slim and healthy.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "SLIM AND HEALTHY".

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The following ideas are symbolized by the phrase "CREATIVE IMAGERY".

I am a very creative person. My mind is clear and serene, a healthy, orderly, fertile garden where ideas take root and develop. Ideas come easily to me, effortlessly. They are always there when I want them. They flow easily from my subconscious mind into my conscious mind. Like bubbles rising from the depths of the ocean my positive ideas grow, expand ad become real. They charm and please me; they are the ideas I want. They are ideas that bring a smile to my lips, a sense of well being in my mind; they give me energy and enthusiasm.

When I sit done to write, I see the heart of the message in an instant. All I have to do is put it down on paper. Vivid, exciting words crystallize in my mind that expresses my feelings with imagination, emotion and enthusiasm. The way I express myself is original, unique and true. My ideas are convincing and believable. My ideas are refreshing, joyful, and emotional experience. They overflow with good humor, positive feelings and enthusiasm. They express the message the way it should be expressed. They are thought provoking to myself and others. They have the right feeling, the right mood, making them inviting and appealing to read. They stimulate the emotions and activate the feelings of the reader.

My ideas are, red, orange and pink. They are polka dot, striped, flowery, and full of wild, imaginative designs. My ideas are folksy, hip, exotic, down to earth and outrageous. They are funny, bizarre, ironic, witty and warm. Literally thousands of bright bold modern ideas are waiting for me to release them.

My writing is alive, uninhibited and full of feeling. It is flesh and blood. My ideas are bold, different, daring, uniquely on target. I see life naturally and simply like a child, and I express myself naturally, gracefully and clearly.

I am full of love for all things. I am a very lovable person. I give love freely and accept it freely. I love to express myself through writing, speech and actions. I know I write and speak well. I am enthusiastic, full of energy and concentration. I have faith in myself and in my abilities. I am at my peak. I am better now and I have more and better ideas than ever before. I love my job because I do it so well. I belong at the top because I have the talent and the drive to be there. I am second to none when it comes to inventive, imaginative ideas.

All of these ideas are symbolized by the phrase "CREATIVE IMAGERY".

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THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - by Dr. Joseph Murphy, D.R.S., Ph.D., D.D., L.L.D.
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HYPNOSIS - Is It For You - by Lewis R. Wolberg

The Magic of Believing - by Claude M. Bristol
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The Magic of Thinking Big - By David J Schwartz
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The Magic of Getting What You Want - By David J Schwartz
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Psycho-Cybernetics - By Maxwell Maltz, M.D.
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The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology - By Maxwell Maltz, M.D.
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The Silva Mind Control Method - By Jose’ Silva
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Creative Relaxation - By Dr. Deborah Bright
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Aphorisms - By W. H. Auden and Louis Kronenberger
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Secrets of Shamanism - By Jose’ Stevens, PH.D. & Lena S. Stevens
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